American actor David Schwimmer (58), best known as Ross from the legendary series Friends, caused a stir when paparazzi captured him at an intimate dinner in a luxury Beverly Hills restaurant. His companion? The stunning Eliana Jolkovsky (29), almost 30 years his junior, who quickly caught the attention of fans and media alike.
Since his divorce from Zoe Buckman in 2017, Schwimmer has been linked to several women, but according to reports from the Daily Mail, this one might be serious. Eliana, a medical student, seems to have stolen his heart.
The pair were spotted leaving the restaurant together, sparking immediate speculation about a possible romance. Fans are now eagerly awaiting official confirmation, but one thing is clear: Schwimmer knows how to stay in the spotlight.
KEYWORDS: David Schwimmer, Friends, Beverly Hills, Eliana Jolkovsky, Daily Mail, Zoe Buckman, Dinner date, Medical student